Responsible gaming

At Wolf Winner Casino, you’ll find a wide range of exciting games that have made thousands of players happy. You can have fun, and we’ll do our best to make our quality partnership last. But if you suddenly feel you need help to contain your enthusiasm or realize you can’t contain your attraction to the game, we’re here to help. Here you will find possible scenarios for your situation.

Responsible Gaming with Wolf Winner Casino

Playing Limits

If you want to start controlling your deposits at Wolf Winner Casino, our support team has developed a special system of limits to enable you to manage your funds wisely. You can chat with a support manager and find a tailored solution to your issue. Once deposit limits are set, they will become effective within 24 hours. You will be able to set daily, weekly or monthly limits.

Control your deposits at Wolf Winner Casino

Time out

If you feel that you need a break from gambling or want a break from the thrilling wave, you can always voluntarily limit yourself. Contact support and we will suggest a casino restriction from twenty-four (24) hours to ninety (90) days. Once you have chosen the time limit, you will not be able to use your account until the time limit has expired.

Restrictions on access to Wolf winner casino

Time management

If you find it difficult to control your time on Wolf Winner in times of rush, you can always allocate a certain amount of time to visit our platform. Once you set a certain limit, the system will automatically notify you when your session is over.

control your time on Wolf Winner casino

Reaching Out

If you’re feeling lonely and devastated, you can always reach out to professionals in your field for help, and they’re sure to help you. You can use this link to get in touch:

Professional help for Wolf winner casino players

18+ only

Only adult users are permitted access to the platform. Wolf Winner utilizes a strict and reliable KYC screening process to identify underage users.

Only adult users are allowed access to the Wolf winner casino